

Iam not a writer. I don’t do fancy words. Neither can I write a poetic description of how I feel. But this is something I have pondered upon for a very long time. . So, here’s an honest attempt to put my feelings into words. .


The very idea of ‘happiness’ has been a little conflicted for me. .My brain has a switch. When it’s on, it’s pretty easy to make me happy, but when it’s off, I feel like nothing in the world has the ability to do so. .


The beautiful part is, little things make me happy & that’s how it should be. We often spend a lot of time looking for happiness. . But the truth is, there is no magic formula for happiness & no sure path for misery. .


Many of us, think that we’ll be happy ‘when certain things will go according to the plan’. .or ‘when I’ll marry the right person’. .or ‘when I’ll get a promotion’. .or ‘when I’ll be rich & successful’ & the list goes on. .
What we fail to understand is that ‘nothing is ever enough’. . And while looking for our happiness in others, we are just deluding ourselves.


However cliché it may sound, I’ll still say it – ‘if you can’t love yourself, you can’t love someone else.’ Don’t seek that all that comes about should come about as you wish, but wish that everything that comes about should come about just as it does, and then you’ll have a happy life. .


Here, I would like to add how social media is making it so difficult for us to be happy. We are constantly looking at other people’s posts and think – ‘wow! Their life is perfect! I wish I could have that’. .It’s good if they are happy, don’t let that come in between your happiness. Don’t compare. I guess accepting that other people have it better is an important part of finding happiness. .


These are crucial times. There are so many issues. .if you look closely, you will see people may say ‘I am very happy’ but if you will observe them, you can easily see they are under pressure. .trying way too hard to portray themselves as happy, because if they won’t, others will take pity at them, might even think they are a loser. Darling, I know it’s easy to say that it doesn’t matter what others think, because honestly, Vanity is my favourite crime too. But, it’s actually true. .it doesn’t matter what others think, what matters is, what you think about yourself. .As Woody Allen has said, “I do feel that life is a grim, painful, nightmarish, meaningless experience and that the only way that you can be happy is if you tell yourself some lies & deceive yourself.”
You can never be permanently happy, you are no ‘Buddha’ but don’t deprive yourself of those few moments where you can be happy. .For example, Happy faces makes me happy. To be happy, Epicurus himself said, he needed no more than a barley cake and some water. Find such little things that brings joy to your life. .


Before I came up with this post, I took the liberty of reading what the great thinkers from across the world & different eras say about happiness. Be it Aristotle, or Confucious; Epictetus or Buddha; and yada yada; all say that the path for happiness is through generosity & contemplation. The Stoics said that ‘a person had the capacity to be happy no matter how daunting and painful the circumstances of life might be.’


The question that arises now is, when we know what these great people have said, why is it so difficult to be happy? I came up with two simple answers. .the first one is, it’s not enough to hear what you have to do, you have to understand those lessons & sadly, that comes with your own experiences. .You can easily advise someone that ‘Do this & you will be happy!’ but if they don’t feel it, it won’t work. .Second, believe it or not, being happy demands desire & efforts. My nephew wants to be a singer. I asked him how many hours do you rehearse? He said two. What he needs is maybe ten. You need to take the right steps if you want something. .Pleasure & happiness go hand in hand. .


Let your mind wander. You are not a victim. You control your reactions. You have a choice. Don’t be fooled by your emptiness, there’s so much room for happiness. .
Iam trying too, walk with me ❤


221 thoughts on “Happiness

  1. I’m walking with you! Happiness indeed is a state of mind – its in our hands. But then again,its easier said than done.
    If little things make me happy, them little things sometimes make me sad too. The day we are able to control our thoughts and stay focussed on our goals then we would be truly happy 🙂
    Nice write-up!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. First of all, thank you so much!
    Second, you already know I love your writings 😃
    Third, this is what I was trying to convey. .little things make me sad too. .all I was trying to convey was. . We should stop looking for reasons to be happy. . Because there are times, when I think ‘if I could do this, I’ll be so happy’ and in doing that. . I ignore the time I have now. .
    Thanks again for a beautiful comment 😇

    Liked by 3 people

  3. “Let your mind wander. You are not a victim. You control your reactions. You have a choice. Don’t be fooled by your emptiness, there’s so much room for happiness.” — Absolutely love that statement!!

    well said…and you have a very pretty smile. (also…I’m not hitting on you, just giving you a compliment.) 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Wonderful post! Happiness is to realize that where, who, how and what you are is just fine. Contentment leads to happiness and that means that being accepting of any situations. But that should not stop us for striving for our dreams and purpose but in the process don’t forget to be grateful for what you have. The moment you compare yourself to others, it will lead to angst. Instead compete with yourself and look at the progress that you have made hour to hour, day to day, month to month and year to year. As you said, love and be proud of yourself first.
    I love how you have incorporated many quotes in yours post. Good food for positive thoughts! Thank you!

    Liked by 5 people

  5. Anjali, such insights ❤
    It’s such a happy feeling when someone reads my post, but iam happier when someone understands!! Iam really thankful!!! You wrote the sum of my whole post 😇 loads of love!! Xoxo!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. “Don’t seek that all that comes about should come about as you wish, but wish that everything that comes about should come about just as it does, and then you’ll have a happy life. .”
    Wonderful words, you are right. if we can change our perception and see things in a different way, we surely can make a lot of difference in our life and no boggled down by vain expectations.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Reblogged this on 3wwwblog and commented:
    What is happiness? Each one of us should take time and try and find the answer for his own life. Whatever the individual answer might be, take the consequences and adapt to what you found.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Reva, you are truly spreading happiness with what you are doing in here in your blog. I am sure everybody reading this will join me in encouraging your to continue your good, inspiring work.

    Liked by 3 people

  9. So amazing. 🙂 I totally support everything you have said in this post. Superficiality will never give that happiness which emanates from the inside. You have so perfectly written and synchronized everything in such a beautiful manner 🙂 Loved this post 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  10. This is awesome! I find great truth in your writing. It made me think of this:

    Emptiness is like being hungry; when we eat we are happy because we are so full of joy that we are fed. But even if we store up all the food we can for the times when will be hungry again, more than likely the food will perish. Even the most bounty of food will never fill us all at once, we must then, in our bountiful storage of food, share with those who are hungry. There is no greater happiness then sharing the happiness we were given 🙂

    Keep up the work!

    Liked by 4 people

  11. Your comments make me going ❤
    I can’t help but smile after reading this. . You gave me another reason to smile baby 😇 Thank you so much!! Sending you a lot of love ❤😙😙

    Liked by 1 person

  12. What a beautiful style of writing – beautiful collage! What a great message – live today and be happy!
    I enjoyed reading this writing. If you were a bird and this were a song, I would admire listening to it! 😉

    Liked by 4 people

  13. The other thing about social media is that it’s like a job interview in that people only show you what they want to show you and hide the rest. Woody Allen once said there isn’t a day that goes by he doesn’t think about killing himself. I don’t know, I think he’s exaggerating.

    I don’t know shit about consistent happiness but I think for there to be any possibility of it, one has to eliminate the regular misery.

    Liked by 4 people

  14. feel the warmth and soul which comes across directly in your flow of creative ideas. you have a uniqueness and alot of strong feelings in what you say. digging this and your blog

    Liked by 4 people

  15. This is very aptly put… And that’s how ones gotta live. Be happy within yourself and nobody can fill the void within you but your own love for yourself. As they say when you feel lonely its a sign that u are in desperate need of yourself.

    Liked by 3 people

  16. Wow *sigh sigh sigh* at least I was happy reading the post. And I have to say, you have motivated me to motivate others. You just made me relax with your placid words.
    Sometimes, even the people closest to us (family) could be the source of so much anger and psychological destruction. But do we kill ourselves, or do we find ways to be happy?

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Firstly, thank you for your comment on my recent post. Also, your posts are so eye opening, I appreciate how real they are. I am now officially a fan of your work!

    Liked by 2 people

  18. This is so true.
    Great post!
    There are people who’s life seems pretty awesome. But most of the time it’s just a glamor. I have a friend, if you look at her pictures you’ll be like “whoa, she sure can enjoy!” But let me tell you the truth wherever she goes, her sole purpose is to click pictures. Where our whole group is actually enjoying. She’s busy Snapchatting. It is sad how social media has affected our daily lives. It’s time people see through the glamour and really start enjoying.

    Liked by 3 people

  19. The best writers never agree they are. You write from your heart and thats what makes your posts all the more interesting. If that is not being a writer I wonder what is. 🙂 love your posts

    Liked by 3 people

  20. True that! Although, I love clicking too 😝 but yes. . That’s not a criteria for happiness as I said in the post. .and doesn’t matter even if that girl is happy. . Learning to accept other people’s happiness is a step forward for your own happiness. . Enjoying with your circle and being content is probably one of the best things that could happen. . God bless you! ❤ xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  21. I really enjoyed reading this, I know a few people that are miserable and think other people will make them happy but the cliche is right, you’re never going to be truly happy unless you are fully content with who you are by yourself. Thanks for the read. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  22. I like the idea of content rather than happiness. For me, happiness has an expectation to be over the top and perhaps over-dramatic. Content is the little things appreciated, celebrating the ordinary- each ‘hmm’ with a soft smile or a split second moment shared with someone or on your own 🙂
    Thank you for leaving a comment on my post, you have no idea how much your comment and the posts that I have see on yours uplifted me. You have a gift, this is with no doubt!


    Liked by 3 people

  23. You ARE a writer. A wonderful post, motivational, made me smile so broad that it almost hurt my cheeks! 😉
    Take care, best wishes and regards.

    Liked by 3 people

  24. You’re welcome, I’m glad to have found your amazing blog! You’re giving away happiness and bringing smiles on so many faces, you deserve more than I can say! ♡

    Liked by 3 people

  25. I’ve found that in order for me to be happy I just have to live by the minute. Go with the flow in life and God. No matter how bad things may look you always have to look on the bright side. Life is to short for sadness so always look on the bright side and live for those moments.

    Liked by 2 people

  26. Very good, you create reality and if you choose not to then your environment will control you and create a reality for you.

    Liked by 2 people

  27. Great post with poignant thoughts on the simple truth of happiness … or, perhaps I should say, profoundly simple and simply profound. When you observe that “the truth is, there is no magic formula for happiness & no sure path for misery,” you’ve hit the nail on the head! 😉 Thank you for visiting my little corner of the blog, too! All the best to you and blessings! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  28. Nicely done post. You are evolved for your age, Nice to see. The writing is clear and concise that the reader should have not problem to understand. What speaks here is your heart and you feel this. You should have no problem to have many followers. You are right happiness comes from inside and spills over to others. Not a single thing or material thing can bring you happiness only if you allow it.

    Liked by 3 people

  29. Wow! This is a wonderful piece dear.The manner in which you express yourself is very sincere, admirable and challenging at the same time.I look forward to reading more of your posts.

    Liked by 3 people

  30. Actually life is not written based on the happiness… But how lucky we are on this earth and in this universe to have a heart with a thinking brain that we can feel the happiness… Happiness is something only human can write inside of him/her… I loved your selections, and I agree with them, with you. Thank you, Blessing and Happiness, love, nia

    Liked by 3 people

  31. Wow, it would seem i may be repeating what some other people may have already said, but i enjoyed reading your post. I loved every word you typed, it felt like it was for me… i know it wasnt but it felt like it. Thank you x

    Liked by 2 people

  32. Hey doll! I did write a piece! On the topic which you suggested! ! To be honest , the topic is way too close to my heart ! Do check it out!! I ‘ll appreciate the reviews! Hopefully you will like it!! Xoxo!!

    Liked by 1 person

  33. I appreciate you taking the time to read, I am grateful for connecting with people and reading so many amazing blogs. I feel like I have traveled around the world with the posts I read 😀 xx

    Liked by 2 people

  34. Hi Reva,

    Of course I have seen it and I was thinking about how to best reply to your blog …and I thought maybe I should write an own blog for you with pictures of my dog. so you get an impresstion. … but I need some time for that. For the moment, let me tell you that I think you are a mirracle. One way to phrase it is, you are touching my soul with happiness… and I am beginning to understand that it does not matter which topic you are writing about to make this happen.

    I know what you mean by writing that this topic is “way close to your heart”. Dogs are pure emotions and they have no words to express their own feelings, for you, for others for situations. They have their own inherted (imanent) repertoir of communication methods mostly based on body language. Like us humans, they are very social beings. They depend on their pack (their family, their team) to survive and (without making the attempt to humanize a dogs behaviour) I believe (and experience) dogs feel love and friendship. I personally do love my dog and there is a mutual trust and friendship between my dog and me.

    Sometimes I wish we could and would express our emotions as openly and “shamelessly” as dogs do. … to show happiness when we are happy and sadness when we are sad. Instead we humans have learned to lie and pretend (that’s obviously an immanent part of our repertoir of social behaviours). Only when we are among close friends we can open up and are willing to expose our feelings … which is healing to us and our soul. Maybe that is part of the magic of living with a dog, you accept a dog as a friend and are willing to expose your soul to this beautiful creature. And your dog will accept you the way you are.

    Maybe to me the same applies as to you “the topic is way close to my heart”. Maybe I should write my reply to you as a personal email (if you have left one with your blog to contact you and if you allow me to do so, Reva).

    Have a great week!


  35. This was such a beautiful post. One of the best pieces I’ve read in a while.
    The equation and the quotes you used were eye opening.
    I am with you.

    Liked by 2 people

  36. Very nicely written. People confuse happiness with freedom and leisure. Actually in order to get happiness you have to follow what you like and while following that path you will find many obstacles. Going through the challenges and coming successfully out of it gives happiness and satisfaction internally.

    Liked by 3 people

  37. Happiness is an inside job.. Love the way you express things. I find happiness in serenity , greenery , music , learning new things, spending time with family and yeah that’s the supreme goal of life.

    Liked by 3 people

  38. I am happy you are not a writer. I cannot imagine how many words would have met their lives on this field of battle alone! I relly love your post and dogs. Dogs have always been a part of my life! ; ) Thanks!

    Liked by 2 people

  39. You greatly underestimate your power with words, but that is an attractive and admirable quality. You are convey a great, but natural and understated beauty. K

    Liked by 1 person

  40. you do write very well. I’m new here in the blogging world and its crazy to see such awesome blogs around…one better than the other. I’m Rochelle, good to connect.
    do check my space out…tho’ i’ve only just begun

    Liked by 1 person

  41. So true my daughter gave me a book on happiness for my birthday with happiness quote filled to overflowing.

    Liked by 1 person

  42. I learned something interesting the other day, I equate happiness to joy and I was told “joy is not based on your circumstance” it takes reconditioning of the mind, redefinition of the word “joy” joy is deeper than our emotions. You can be sorrowful and still have joy. Joy for the ones who love you, for peaceful moments, for smiles and kind words, have joy for the breath in your lungs.
    Thanks for this post, it’s lovely ✨

    Liked by 1 person

  43. Just been to physio lot to think about will get back to your site as soon as I can


  44. You are on point again… I am glad I am not the only one that thinks that you can’t truly love another person without loving yourself, I often get a bizarre look from people when I tell them this. Choosing happiness doesn’t mean that you have to be happy all the time, It is perfectly ok to be sad sometimes, It’s ok to cry. I have learned the hard way that happiness is a choice and not a circumstance.

    Liked by 1 person

  45. Totally agree girl ❤ Happiness is all you. There was a time where I self-indulged in the victim mentality, but now that's changed! It's that little shift in perspective ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  46. I am so glad to have found your blog i don’t think i can put it to words how the very first post I’ve just read made me feel. This is so beautiful and has got me craving to read more of what you have offered and yet have to. You may say your not a talented writer or do fancy words etc but! The flow that you gave to this post widened the smile on my face for every line.
    Indeed happiness is a choice but i just realized it is also an offering you give to the others- Just like you have buddy! Thank you for sharing these lovely thoughts, Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

  47. long line of comments above make the one now moot. But couldn’t stop from at least saying this -this was awesome at many levels. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  48. Reblogged this on teddyleting and commented:
    Worry why you are never happy! These are some of the principles you should check on. And as Messuldressup03 says, happiness is not anything to plan for, it’s something that comes naturally and hence you should be ready and willing to invite and accept it. Read this through

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